The disgraced founder of Theranos, Elizabeth Holmes, will be required to return to prison later this month after a court on Monday dismissed her bid to remain free while she appeals her sentence.

U.S. District Judge Edward Davila determined there was not enough evidence in an 11-page ruling late Monday that would have allowed Holmes to remain out on bail.

In accordance with the judge's ruling, Holmes, 39, must turn herself in to the police on April 27 in order to begin serving the more than 11-year prison term that Davila imposed in November.

Ten months prior, a jury had found her guilty on four charges of fraud and conspiracy against Thearanos investors who had put their faith in her claims that she would revolutionise the healthcare sector.

In a different trial, Ramesh Balwani, Holmes' former partner and the former CEO of Theranos, was also found guilty on numerous counts of fraud.

Last December, he received a sentence of over 13 years in prison. Davila has mandated that Balwani report to prison on April 20 after he was denied his request to remain free while he filed an appeal.

Holmes should serve her prison term in a Byron, Texas, jail, according to Davila's recommendation. If that is the place she reports, it has not yet been made publicly known.

Holmes will be separated from the two children she had prior to the trial and following her conviction unless she can figure out a way to remain free.

When Holmes, 39, was a Stanford University undergrad, she created Theranos. Instead of a complete blood draw, the company claimed that their technology could screen patients for diseases using a sample of blood from a single finger prick.

Despite the fact that the technology did not live up to expectations, Holmes garnered investments worth close to $1 billion. The company regularly used commercially accessible blood analyzer devices to conduct its tests, which frequently resulted in inaccurate results.