Spider-Man has a Ph.D. and leads Parker Industries; he's a shrewd businessman.

Spider-Man can stop a gun from firing by webbing it at the exact moment the trigger is pushed, proving once again that his web is faster than a bullet.

Spider-Man can use his web to hold The Hulk, and it will disintegrate in an hour.

When the 700th issue came out in December 2012, it marked the final appearance of Spider-Man in the first volume.

Stan Lee intentionally used a hyphen in the moniker Spider-Man to prevent it from being mistaken for "Superman."

For kids like me, Spider-Man was a game-changer because he was the first teen hero who wasn't an adult's sidekick.

For one of “The Amazing Spider-Man’s” battle scenes, the high school library used a separate stage and roughly 3,000 feet of fake Styrofoam books with actual covers.

Spider-Man was Marvel's first spider. A huge spider appeared in Journey into Mystery a month before his debut.

Spider-Man was not a spider-based superhero. Stan Lee wanted to base a comic on a fly or insect but chose a spider.

In August 1962, Stan Lee and Steve Ditko introduced Spider-Man in Amazing Fantasy #15.